Although the primary goal of ApeScout.Com is collecting all kind of statistical data about other websites and sharing these to the public, we pay a lot of attention to obey privacy of our visitors as well as privacy of website owners.
All statistical data used in our website reports are collected from various services such as Google, Alexa and Whois, or estimated through a simple calculation based on data provided by those services.
Website statistics that we are offering to our visitors are available to us as well as they are available to every Internet user, so practically, we are just collecting and putting them all together. This way, we aren't compromising or exposing anything or anyone. Still, if you don't want your website to be analyzed and listed on our website, there's a simple procedure on how to exclude your website from ApeScout.Com index. Follow this link
As well as a majority of present-day websites, ApeScout.Com uses cookies to store information about our visitors. HTTP Cookie (also known as browser cookie or web cookie) is a small piece of data saved by a website on visitor's hard disk. This piece of data may have a various purposes such as handling user login session, shopping cart and saving individual visitor's settings.
ApeScout.Com was designed to use cookies to improve visitor's browsing experience as well as to track repeated visits.
Third party advertising units on our pages may also use technologies such as cookies or web-beacons to improve ad serving accuracy as well as geo-targeting.