ApeScout.Com is a free web analytics service. We collect and store all kind of statistical data about websites and share them to the public. These data aren't 100% accurate since they are an estimated values based on various services such as Google, Alexa and Whois. Anyway they are realistic enough to provide a quick and pretty reliable analysis of the specific website.
Let's say you are considering to buy some website or make it from the scratch. Your goal is to gain a lot of visitors/pageviews so you're considering various niches, technologies and SEO techniques. Before investing your time and money, you should make an extensive research to determine every detail about your new web project, since the worst thing you can do is to go blind, led by presumptions. That's the part where you need to explore your competition, as much as possible. This can be done by using various online tools and services, but if you have more than one competitive website to analyze, it can be very complicated job.
An idea behind ApeScout.Com is to centralize and consolidate various web services and analytics tools, allowing visitors to do a detail analysis of specific website and get all necessary information at one place.
If you have any questions or suggestions. Please contact us on support (at) apescout.com